Taylor Roethle
Has overall responsibility for operations of OOO
Helps coordinate the year’s calendar of events
Typical semester events: Membership Selection, Initiation, Dedication Ceremony, Philanthropy
Hosts Dedication and Rededication ceremonies
Leads meetings and creates meeting agendas
Oversees yearly leadership awards
Distributes applications for Outstanding President of the Year & Greek Leader of the Year
Vice President of Membership
Kristen Wall
Coordinates all recruiting activities including creation/distribution of Membership Application
Organizes Membership Selection
Performs duties of President in his/her absence
Vice President of Programming
Chrissy Strangie
Plans all Order of Omega programming events including:
Leadership Celbration
Philanthropy/Community Service events
Academic events
Coordinates social events for chapter members
Maintains communication between OOO & external Greek Community to promote support for events and efforts
Researches and upkeeps new and collaborative “programming” opportunities
Vice President of Communication
Steve Madaras
Completes necessary forms for National office
Maintains chapter roster and listserv
Keeps track of member points and attendance for mandatory events
Tracks minutes at all meetings
Vice President of Finance
Elise Nguyen
Responsible for general supervision of chapter's finances
Regulates annual budget accordingly
Receives all due payments, dues include:
New Member dues, graduation cord payments
Responsible for prompt payment of bills, fees, and reimbursements
Maintains Order of Omega bank account including credit card and checks
Oversees budget for the Brick Wall Project